Advanced Usage

This page provide advanced usage you can do in this package.

Create Custom Site Parser

Do you have your favorite manga website and preferring to download manga from there, but not supported in this package? Just create your own! What you must do are:

  • Make it inherit Manga
  • Override all abstractmethod and have return value as same as super().__doc__.
  • Override method filter_chapters if it doesn’t work in your custom parser.

Use Custom Site Parser

Just pass your custom parser in parameter parser if you use main API (info, get, and download), or if you use Mannou, please see Mannou section.:

>>> from your_module import YourParser
>>> url = ''
>>> info =, parser=YourParser)


Anilist is the main class for communicating with AniList API, basic usage:

>>> from mannou import anilist
>>> a = anilist.AniList('Aiura')

Now, a is an Anilist object. You can use method json to return JSON from AniList API.:

>>> a.json()
  'data': {
    'Media': {
      'id': 75980,
      'siteUrl': '

Or you can use method info to return parsed data as :obj: dict.:

  'id': ['75980'],
  'siteUrl': '

If you are not satisfied with the default result, you can modify attribute query as you wish. But in order to do so, you must familiar with Anilist API and how GraphQL works.:

>>> a.query = """
... query ($name: String) {
...   Media (search: $name, type: MANGA) {
...     ...
...   }
... }
... """ # Your long long query
>>> a.json() # The result will be follow your query.

For further detail, please read this:: * AniList API Documentation * GraphQL


Mannou is the main class for downloading manga. Basic usage:

>>> from mannou.mannou import Mannou
>>> url = ''
>>> m = Mannou(url)

If you have your custom parser, you can pass it in parameter parser directly:

>>> m = Mannou(url, parser=YourParser)

It will change value of attribute parser to your custom parser. You can set it like this too:

>>> m.parser = YourParser

You can also append your custom parser in attribute parsers. parsers is containing list of available parser in this package.:

>>> m.parsers.append(YourParser)

then set it automatically by calling set_parser method:

>>> m.set_parser()

By default, every manga will be saved it ~/Manga or %USERPROFILE%\Manga. You can override it by modify root attribute. Please remember root attribute must be Path object.:

>>> import pathlib
>>> m.root = pathlib.Path.home().joinpath('Comic') # ~/Comic or %USERPROFILE%\\Comic

If preparation have already completed, download your manga by:


It will download every chapter in You can limit it by using parameter start and end:

>>>, 7)

or be explicit:

>>>, end=7)

It will download only chapter 3 to chapter 7.