
This page provide the fastest way to getting started

First, make sure Mannou is installed.

Let’s get started with some simple examples.

Getting Manga Information

Begin by importing the Mannou module:

>>> import mannou

Let’s try get manga information. You can pass manga name:

>>> info = mannou.info('Aiura')

or manga url:

>>> info = mannou.info('https://manganelo.com/manga/aiura')

Now, our info is an object from dict, containing manga information. It is just a regular dict:

>>> info.keys()
dict_keys(['id', 'idMal', 'title', ... , 'siteUrl'])
>>> info['id']
>>> info['genres']
['Comedy', 'Slice of Life']


Passing an url instead manga’s name is actually slower because Mannou need to parse first to get manga’s name.

Parsing Manga Site

This module is useful when you want to parse a web page.

As usual, you import mannou first, then:

>>> manga = mannou.get('https://manganelo.com/manga/aiura')

manga is a Manga object. This object can be used to parse every images in every chapters in Aiura:

>>> str(manga) # or manga.title
>>> manga[0] # or manga.chapters[0]
Chapter(number='1', url='https://manganelo.com/chapter/aiura/chapter_1')

A manga.chapters[0] is a list of Chapter. It is just an object of namedtuple. Use this information to parse images.:

>>> images = manga.get_chapter_images(manga[0].url)

get_chapter_images is a method for getting all images in certain chapter. In this example we want to get all images in chapter 1 of Aiura.

>>> images[0] # first page
Image(name='1.jpg', url='http://s8.mkklcdn.com/mangakakalot/a1/aiura/chapter_1/1.jpg')
>>> images[-1] # last page
Image(name='14.jpg', url='http://s8.mkklcdn.com/mangakakalot/a1/aiura/chapter_1/14.jpg')

Image is an namedtuple, just like Chapter.

Downloading Manga

If you want to download manga, the easiest way is:

>>> url = 'https://manganelo.com/manga/aiura'
>>> mannou.download(url)

This line will download every chapters in Aiura and save it in default location (~/Manga in Linux or %USERPROFILE%\Manga in Windows). It will return save location in PosixPath or WindowsPath in your machine.

If you want to download only chapter 3 to 4, use parameter **limits:

>>> mannou.download(url, start=3, end=4)

Maybe you want to save the manga in different location, use parameter save_location.:

>>> mannou.download(url, save_location='/home/<username>/Comic/')