Installation of Mannou

This part of the documentation covers the installation of Mannou. If you are an experienced Python developer, then just skip into Installing Mannou section.

Installing Python

But of course, you must have python installed in your machine. Verify first by typing:

$ python3 --version

if you use UNIX-like environment (Linux or MacOS), or:

> python --version

if you use Windows.

If the command is not recognized or the version is below 3.6, visit Python and follow the install instructions.

Installing PIP

Usually PIP already included in Python Windows installer, but not in Linux. Verify first before installing PIP by typing:

$ pip3 --version

for Linux, or:

> pip --version

for Windows.

If there is no PIP installed, please install it first by:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install python-pip3

On Debian-based Linux. You may need administrative privilege to install.


For MacOS or other Linux distribution, please follow official guide for each vendor.

Installing Virtual Environment (Optional)

It is recommended to use virtual environment to separate each projects. You can use venv, virtualenv, pipenv, or any virtual environment you prefer.

Installing Mannou

To install Mannou, run this in your terminal:

$ pip install mannou

And done!